The company is registered with the Registrar of Companies (RoC) Chennai with the registration number 46402. It is facing several winding up petitions at the Madras High Court. The old website of Mascon Global Limited ( has vanished. So if the old Mascon Global Limited has vanished or transformed, this information has not been shared with the shareholders of the company.
The last directors report on moneycontrol mentioned a large number of subsidiaries:
Your Company has six direct subsidiaries as on June 30, 2011, viz. MGL Americas Inc., USA, Versatech Consulting Inc, USA, Ebusinessware Inc, USA, Jass & Associates Inc, USA, Mascon Global (Europe) Ltd., UK, and Mascon International Limited, Mauritius.
MGL Americas Inc. has its own subsidiaries, details of which are given in the statement pursuant to the provisions of Sec.212 of the Companies Act, 1956. All the direct and step-down subsidiaries are engaged in software related business only.
Ebusinessware Inc, has its own subsidiaries, details are given in the statement pursuant to the provisions of sec.212 of the companies Act, 1956. All the direct and step-down subsidiaries are engaged in software related business only.
Mascon Global Limited got into financial trouble because it made a spate of acquisitions, making these acquired companies subsidiaries, but now it has done a restructuring without informing shareholders or creditors. All the subsidiaries have been hived off while Mascon Global has become Secure Earth.
Dear Author, our company is also a bondholder in Mascon. I would really appreciate if you could reach out to us by writing me a mail at
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Dear Author, our company is also a bondholder in Mascon. I would really appreciate if you could reach out to us by writing me a mail at
ReplyDeleteMany thanks.